Monday, April 23, 2012

Don’t Negotiate With God On Tithes And Offerings

When God revealed to His people that ten percent of their increase (the "tithe") was His and must be given to His servants, along with the offerings, He was not negotiating a position. He was not trying to strike a deal with His people, asking for ten percent, but really hoping to finally get five percent from some of His people as a donation. God was not negotiating for tips from His people.

God’s words are pure and true. He means exactly what He says, no more and no less. He is so serious about the "tithe" (a word that means "a tenth part") and the offerings that He considers any of His children who fail to render their tithes and offerings to Him to be robbers. Robbers do not just steal; they steal by force.

Prophet Malachi was sent with this holy complaint to Israel: "Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed Me, saith the Lord!" (Malachi 3:8)
This statement was received with some skepticism by God’s people, and they responded, "How have we robbed God?"
"In tithes and offerings" came the terse reply.

If a man would steal from God, there is nothing that he would not do to any human being. You cannot trust any man who robs from God.

Some Christians do what God hates most. They try to find some middle ground between obeying God and disobeying God. They don’t have the love of God or the faith to bring Him the tithes that He has commanded, but they are ashamed to give Him nothing. They won’t obey God and pay all the tithes and offerings, but they would rather just give Him enough to silent their conscience and maintain appearances. But that "middle ground" is the worst of all choices. It would be better if they simply refused to obey God at all and gave nothing than for them to give just a part of what He has commanded. That is like tipping God, as if He were your servant, and as though you are doing Him a favour. It is like tipping God for His blessings. Some pride themselves on being big tippers, but if what they bring to God is not their tithes and offerings, they are still disobeying His commandment and they are still robbers.

Do not be foolish. If you will not bring God all His tithes and offerings, please don’t insult Him by "donating" a few bucks to His work. Jesus doesn’t need your charity or your pity.

Jesus wants us to either be hot or cold. He would prefer that we either obey God’s commandment and bring Him all our tithes and offerings, or just admit to ourselves that we are just sinners and go away and leave Him alone. 

It is sinful to give God’s anointed servants a little tip now and then, just so you can appear to be doing something good. It is sin to bring God half of your tithe. It is stubbornness and rebellion. It is thievery. It is unbelief. It is unacceptable with God because He was not negotiating when He commanded the tenth part of your increase.

Tithing is a commandment, not a suggestion. When one young man asked Jesus what he must do in order to obtain eternal life, Jesus told him, " keep the commandments” (Matthew 19:17). If God had never commanded His people to bring their tithes to His servants, then it would be acceptable to do something else, but God did issue that commandment, and we are required to obey it. 

One of the Ten Commandments is: "Thou shalt not steal." (Exodus 20:15) Should we construe that commandment to mean, "Thou shalt not steal, except from the Lord?"
We should be more afraid to steal from God than from anyone else. Besides, stealing is stealing, no matter who the victim is. If the money in your possession is not rightfully yours, then it is stolen money. Listen to Jesus. "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar's, and unto God the things which be God's." (Luke 20:25). Taxes rightfully belong to the government (Caesar). Tithes and the offerings belong to God. We make ourselves thieves if we refuse to give God what belong to Him.

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